RealVNC - VNC Server on Redhat Linux 9


VNC Server on Redhat Linux 9

* Download

- Download the RPM pakage from < >
- In my case: vnc-4_1_2-x86_linux.rpm
- Place it to your convenient directory.&br() ( For example. /usr/local/src )

* Install
- su root
- cd /usr/local/src
- rpm -i vnc-4_1_2-x86_linux.rpm

* Getting started
** General Information
- Support multiple display at once.
- Using port is 5900 + <Display number>
** User Settings
- Login as User
- Add the following line to your .bashrc file in your home directory.&br() export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin
- source ./.bashrc ( refrect the settings )
** Run VNC server
- vncpasswd. ( Set your password )
- vncserver :1 ( Display number: 1 )
** Using VNC viewers 
- Run your vnc viewer. ( Windows or linux versions, both are useable )
- Type the server url or IP.
- Type the password that you have set.
** Stop the server
- vncserver -kill :1 ( Display number: 1 )
- If you want to use gnome instead of twm, you need following steps.
-- Login as User
-- cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ~/.xinitrc ( If there is no .xinitrc )
-- cd ~/.vnc
-- mv xstartup ( Backup the original .xinitrc )
-- ln -s ../.xinitrc xstartup

* Accessing by Web Browsers
** General Information
- You can also access the vnc server by your web browser with java environment.
- Recent vnc package includes all the environment for browser connection. So, do not need any preparation for browsing.
- Using port is 5800 + <Display number>
- The sequence is like this.
-- Browser sends the request to vncserver via the port 580x.
-- Vncserver responds the html file includes the link to java applet for viewing.
-- Browser runs the applet.
-- The applet serves view and operation to us.
** Run VNC server
- Same as for vncviewer.
** Browsing
- Type the server url with the port number to your browser address box.&br()( For example. &verb(http://<server-url>:5801/) )
- Type the password that you have set.
** Stop the server
- Same as for vncviewer.

* Using GUI Login (GDM)
** General Information
- If you want to use graphical login, you have to start the vnc server via xinetd when you access.
** Settings
- Make the common password file
vncpasswd /etc/vnc_passwd
chmod 644 /etc/vnc_passwd
- Add following line to the file /etc/services.
vnc-800x600     5950/tcp                        # VNC by xinetd
- Make the file /etc/xinet.d/vnc-800x600 as following.
service vnc-800x600
        disable     = no
        socket_type = stream
        user        = root
        wait        = no
        server      = /usr/bin/Xvnc
        server_args = -inetd -query localhost -once -geometry 800x600 -depth 16 --PasswordFile=/etc/vnc_passwd
- Edit the file /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf as following.
** Restart the related services
- service xinetd restart ( Restart xinetd )
- init 3; sleep 10; init 5 ( Restart gdm )
** Login with VNC viewers
- Run your vnc viewer. ( Windows or linux versions, both are useable )
- Type the server url or IP + <port number>.&br()( For example. <host_name>:5950 )
- Type the password that you have set.
** Tips
- In this section, It support only 800x600 resolution. However, you can support any resolution by the following method.
-- Add some lines for another port number corresponding other resolution to the file /etc/services.
-- Place some xinetd files corresponding other resolution into the directory /etc/xinet.d/.

* GUI Login with Web Browsers
** General Information
- For getting this function, you have to borrow the power of web server.
- The trick is this.
-- Browser sends the request via normal http port 80.
-- Web server responds the html file includes the link to java applet.
-- Browser runs the applet.
-- The applet serves view and operation to us.
** Settings
- At first you have to run web server. ( This is the out of range of this page )
- Place the following html file to the directory /usr/share/vnc/classes/

  VNC viewer for Java
  <APPLET CODE=vncviewer/VNCViewer.class ARCHIVE=vncviewer.jar
          WIDTH=800 HEIGHT=600>
  <PARAM name="port" value=5950>
- ln -s /usr/share/vnc /var/www/htdocs/vnc&br() ( Place the symbolic link for accessing web browser. )
** Accessing by browsers
- Type the url to your browser address box.&br()( For example. &verb(http://<server-url>/vnc/classes/index.html) )
- Type the password that you have set.
- And, Login.
** Tips
- If the html file includes some links corresponding differrent resolution, It is very useful. Try it.

* Trouble Shooting
** Maybe, you have to open the firewall for vnc packets.
- Add following lines to the file /etc/sysconfig/iptables
 -A INPUT -p 5900:5903 -j ACCEPT ( This line is for normal vnc connection )
 -A INPUT -p 5800:5803 -j ACCEPT ( This line is for browser connection )
 -A INPUT -p 5950 -j ACCEPT (This line is for the vnc server with xinetd)
- Restart iptables by following command.
-- service iptables restart
** Why do I get only gray screen with GUI login.
- Gray screen means success to connect Xserver, but could not to start GDM.
- Recheck /etc/xinet.d/vnc file and the user is real user who can login.
- Recheck /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf.
- Did you restart the GDM ? (try Init 3: sleep 10; Init 5)
- Recheck /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf. (/etc/gdm/custom.conf)
- Did you restart the GDM ? (try Init 3: sleep 10; Init 5  # or try gdm-restart) 
** GDM is started, but I can not login.
- Check the file /etc/vnc_passwd. It's permission must be 644.
** Can not start GNOME application that needs the root password.
- It maybe due to access restriction.
- Try "xhost +localhost" command befor starting.
- You can place the command into the .bashrc file in your home directory.